3 letter activities your kids will love

letter recognition

Do you want your child to practice letter recognition in a fun and playful way? Then you’ve come to the right place. Read on to learn about 3 awesome letter activities for kids. And you know what’s the best about these letter activities? Your child won’t even notice he’s actually learning and practicing letters.

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Post-it note matching letter activity for kids

Letters activities for kids poster

The setup here is pretty simple. Write down all the letter on a large piece of paper (I have this roll of paper and cut off large pieces whenever we need it). 

To make this letter activity for kids a little more fun, I used different colors but just black would do, too.

Next, write all letters on post-it notes.

Stick everything up at a wall and your child is ready to go to match each post-it to the correct letter on the poster.

Letters on post-its to match up on poster

Change it up a little?

You can also hide the post-it notes throughout the house and have your child find the letters first and then to match them up. That way you have your child move and get some energy out at the same time.

Depending on your child’s level, you could write lower case letters on the post-it notes. That way your child has to match the lower case letter to the correct capital letter.

Erase chalk letter activity for kids

All of my kids just can’t get enough of this letter activity! 

The idea is simple enough. You write some letters on a chalk board (this one has a magnetic white board in the back!) and they trace your letters with a wet brush. 

Be prepared to write something for them over and over again! They’ll love it!

Sensory letter hunt activity for kids

setup for letter activities for kids

For this letter activity, you’ll need to write the same letters on two sheets of paper (different locations though!).

Put one paper underneath a glass casserole dish that you fill with uncooked rice (or any other sensory material).

Your child can now go on a letter hunt in the rice using a dry paint brush. 

The other paper goes into a dry erase pocket sleeve where your child can tick off every letter she finds under the rice with a dry erase marker. 


The advantage of using the pocket sleeve or laminating your letter sheet is that you can reuse it at a later point. Trust me your child will want to do this letter activity again and again!

Got inspired?

I hope you found these three letter activities for kids inspiring and will try them with your child. Please let me know in the comments below if your kids loved the activities as much as my kids did.

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